xeriscape Tag

This fall we got approval to create a laydown yard at Riverstone International School. We identified and area and signed up for ChipDrop, a platform connecting professional arborists with those in need of free mulch. Utilizing ChipDrop we are delivered arborists woodchips and logs which...

October is a great time to plant perennial shrubs and trees. This project day started with lessons in: ecology, fire and windbreaks, succession, native plants and restoration. The Riverstone International School 9th graders are a great group of students who seemed to enjoy making campus...

This spring Lucky Peak Nursery, a USFS production nursery, overproduced native plants for their needs and had to sell the extras to the public! In early April I purchased 50 sage brush, 50 bitterbrush, and 100 ponderosa pine seedlings....

Each semester the students of Riverstone International School in Boise, Idaho undertake service projects during their parent-teacher conferences. The scope of the service projects is wide-ranging and includes several off-campus options for volunteering with local organizations and on-campus projects. This year students volunteered at Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS), Idaho Youth Ranch, Create Common Good and the Discovery Center, while other groups helped improve our local ecosystems and green spaces by working on a planting project with Idaho Fish & Game, participating in a Barber Park river clean-up and a Quarry Park clean-up. One group usually stays on campus to work on maintenance and beautification projects, and this year a second group stayed on campus to work on a new project (let’s call it Campus Improvement!).