The 2022 Project GREEN Summit was an amazing success. We were at Highlands Elementary School and Bogus Basin the first day, with a great lunch and awards from the Idaho Environmental Education Association (IdEEA). The second day of the Summit was at the Idaho Center for Outdoor Learning at the Basin School District in Idaho City, ID. The theme GET OUT! Rediscovering the Outdoor Classroom was and we highlighted our local school yards, local public lands like Bogus and dug deeply into the forest on the Idaho City grounds. Idaho provides so many outdoors opportunities and we really enjoyed facilitating educators getting their students outside more often to learn.
A huge thank you to all of our partners – the Summit would not be possible without you!
On day two we had an amazing line-up at the Idaho Center for Outdoor Education in Idaho City.
Call for presenters and past grant winners. We would love to have you present on your sustainability successes and share the pathways you found to enable your students to thrive in creating a more sustainable future for themselves!
If you are interested in sharing a 5 minute success story or presenting a larger topic about sustainability in your classroom that other teachers could adopt then…
Thanks to all the volunteers, teachers and professionals who give their time to make this event so meaningful and successful.
Basin School District
Boise School District
West Ada School District
Partners for Clean Water
Bogus Basin
City of Boise
The WaterShed
The Partners for Clean Water
The 2021 Project GREEN Teacher Sustainability Summit was a great success! A big thank you to Treasure Valley Canopy Network and all of our sponsors and presenters. We have amazing teachers and students who are really making a difference. A big thank you to the Project GREEN planning committee that makes this event meaningful and successful year after year.