
We are excited to have the ability to have green team meetings! Given how strange a year its been and health focused restrictions we are meeting outside once a week to work on projects wearing masks! One silver lining that our outdoor focus and outdoor...

I believe that there are two types of plants in the world which are worth having in all of our schools: 1) native plants to create and reinforce a "sense of place" and 2) edible plants to ensure this connection "to place" is meaningful and delicious! Over the course of the spring we had the opportunity to make changes to the Riverstone landscape to make it more edible for the wildlife and significantly increase the possibility of harvesting some berries on campus!

Each semester the students of Riverstone International School in Boise, Idaho undertake service projects during their parent-teacher conferences. The scope of the service projects is wide-ranging and includes several off-campus options for volunteering with local organizations and on-campus projects. This year students volunteered at Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS), Idaho Youth Ranch, Create Common Good and the Discovery Center, while other groups helped improve our local ecosystems and green spaces by working on a planting project with Idaho Fish & Game, participating in a Barber Park river clean-up and a Quarry Park clean-up. One group usually stays on campus to work on maintenance and beautification projects, and this year a second group stayed on campus to work on a new project (let’s call it Campus Improvement!).