Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021 at Riverstone was inspiring.

This year we found some great advantages- there are outdoor teaching tents, socially distant classrooms, and an emphasis on the outdoor classroom. Its a lot to celebrate given what COVID forced upon us. Earth week at Riverstone was not as boisterous as previous years but we had a full schedule of activities to celebrate!


We kicked off the week with watching environmentally focused ted talks and discussing pledges to change our lives and take action from that inspiration. We had teacher led yoga at lunch to remind us of wellness and support our Green Team theme of the year “sustainability of self”. On earth day green team made newspaper planting pots and offered the chance to plant seeds to their classmates. We had saved basil, arugula and milkweed from the previous years and provided a great opportunity to interact with the greater student populace and recruit for next years green team. We collected Earth Day pledges from as many students as we could reminding each other that any action no matter how small makes a difference.

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Blake Schnebly