03 May Earth Week at Riverstone was AMAZING!
To get our populace into the mindset of making big changes the Green Team and Sustainability Council came together to start planning our Earth Week last year. We decided a great way to introduce our plan and a good kick off would be a community read of Garbology, Our dirty love affair with trash. We borrowed some of the copies from the BHS community read a few years ago and sent a book home to every Riverstone household requesting that families read chapters 1-4 by the end of spring break.
With the Garbology kick off, we hit the ground running on Earth Day. In the true spirit of one school, all of the classes pre-K- 12th turned off lights and technology for a PowerDown Day. This power-down day was special as the entire Boise School District was also participating and Idaho Power was amazing in providing us the data from our efforts. Thanks to everyone for your efforts!
In addition to power down earth day we had a week a bike to school week, a track your trash Tuesday, speaker Rick Johnson from the Idaho Conservation League came and spoke at assembly and delivered an amazing message. Thursday our green team had a chance to address the school and name their successors and the amazing Kim Libich and Treacy Leibich, CurbIt Pros gave trash talks to the majority of the school’s populace over lunch. Friday was our end of earthweek celebration where we had a “zero-waste” food truck rally and planted new trees on campus!
- The bike racks were full all week! Awesome!
- The dim lighting of Powerdown day gave a different feeling to the hallways and classrooms
- We spent time outside in the gardens on Powerdown day and the weather was beautiful!
- Food Trucks! Always a great event.
- Great Food Truck Rally – We only made 35 grams of landfill bound waste!
- The middle school is showing a great commitment to being green!