Fall Day of Service

Fall Day of Service

Why maintenance matters

Maintenance is not a very alluring topic, it is not flashy and seductive, it implies menial repetitive or redundant tasks and it is one of the most interesting and powerful sustainability topics in our lives.

Our daily choices and behaviors are the direct expression of how we interact with our environment. It is the choices we make each and every day that impact our lives and our impact in the greatest way. It is a really great feeling and activity to plant a tree during earth-week, and I hope we all get to again next year, but it is a single activity done once and left to be for most of us. Our maintenance choices, in our personal lives, and in the campus environment are the expression of what our goals are as a community and directly affect the way the Riverstone campus is managed. So last week we set out to use human power instead of petroleum-derived horsepower to winterize the campus, trees and gardens and set up for another great winter veggie garden. I hope that the campus veggie club is hungry because the veggie gardens look great and are ready to be planted!

Its always a pleasure to see students come together and accomplish large tasks.

Thanks to all the student groups that participated in the on campus and off campus day of service
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Blake Schnebly